Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 20/04/2016 10:45 am

End Date / Time: 23/05/2016 1:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

NANSA, a disability charity for people in Norfolk, hasalmostraised enough money for a minibus. Can you help with the final stages?

The minibus we are looking to buy costs £20,000. So far we’ve raised £17,000, so we’re not far off at all! We just need your help with these final stages of fundraising.

Why do we need a minibus?

We currently havetwo cars,a Berlingo and Kangoo. These are used totake members from our Youth and Adult Services on outings, such as bowling or swimming.

Theseare the challenges we are currently faced with:

  • Our numbers have outgrown the size of thesevehicles.
  • The cars fit a maximum of three members in each, butacross all services there are 140 people that attendNANSA!
  • Although the cars have wheelchair space, they don’tcater for all wheelchair specifications, meaning that some people are unable to join in on outings.
  • Our support workers struggle to transport wheelchair users into the cars, as you can see in the film.

A minibuys would benefit us in lots ofdifferent ways:

  • First and foremost, it’s a 16 seater, so we would be able to take large groups out. This would give members the opportunity to experience more and visit lots of different places.
  • The minibus fitsallwheelchair specifications (check out the space in the back!) so our outings would be fully inclusive.
  • There is an automated lift which would make transporting wheelchair users much more straightforward, as well as saving our support workers’ backs!
  • The range of activities would be broadened, and people would have much more choice in what they want to get out of NANSA’s services.
  • Some members aredoing courses where they cangain a nationallyaccredited Gateway qualification, promoting employment opportunities. With a minibus, members would be able to get much more out of these courses,as they would be able tovisit places in the community, reinforcing what they have learnt during sessions.
  • A minibus would ultimately allow our members to access the wider community on a regular basis, and therefore integrate into society.

Please check out our Crowdfunder film which shows you why we would like to buy a minibu

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 20/04/2016 10:45 am

End Date / Time: 23/05/2016 1:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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