Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 02/02/2021 10:00 am
End Date / Time: 02/02/2021 11:30 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
Book NowJolyon Berry is a Director at Thompson Smith and Puxon Solicitors where he is heads up the Employment Department. He has over 20 years’ experience in employment law and takes a very sensible and practical approach with managing legal risk arising from the workplace.
During this session, Jolyon will explain why many employers remain vulnerable to claims for discrimination and how an employer might confidently resist a claim for discrimination by a disgruntled employee.
No self-respecting employer tolerates discrimination at work, yet discrimination claims are still frequently brought by employees and are on the increase. This is partly due to the lack of understanding around what is and is not acceptable. What may, in the past, have been characterised as ‘banter’ or ‘horseplay’ may now be considered as unacceptable harassment or victimisation creating risk and liability, as well as injury.
The law has developed significantly over the years. The Equality Act 2010 and case law has brought a new level of complexity and often employers are not clear about their obligations, for example with discrimination arising from disability and making reasonable adjustments.
There are also situations where unhappy employees, who do not have the qualifying service to claim unfair dismissal, may allege sex, race or disability discrimination as a way to bring a claim.
Jolyon will touch on all these areas and provide some practical tips for preventing and avoiding claims and how to defend claims.
Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 02/02/2021 10:00 am
End Date / Time: 02/02/2021 11:30 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
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