Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 16/04/2015 1:00 am
End Date / Time: 16/04/2015 1:00 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
Course Title; Level 2 Award in Legionella Awareness (Hot and Cold Water Systems)
Aim; This course has been designed to ensure a detailed understanding of Legionnaire’s Disease, and how risk management makes sure the disease doesn’t arise in your work place.
Objectives; * Understand the history, significance and symptoms of Legionnaire’s Disease * To understand the basics of how hot and cold water systems work * To understand how the bacterium gets into water systems, how it multiplies in the systems, and how it goes on to infect people * Understand how management systems ensure the prevention of illness * Understand the basics of legal requirements, and sources of guidance * To help assist you with the compliance of the ACOP L8 (Approved Code of Practice L8 relates to the maintenance of clean water systems).
Duration; 1/2 day blended learning programme. (This is a blended learning course, once you are booked on to the course we’ll send you some learning materials to complete before coming to the ½ session. Delegates need to be prepared to complete 2 or 3 hours of work before attending the half day course.)
Exam/Assessment; There are 2 short multiple choice exam. The pass marks are 10/15 for the first and 8/12 for the second. This qualification is Ofqual accredited
Cost; £125 + VAT includes notes, refreshments and the assessment & certification fees
Awarding Body; Highfield Awarding Body of Compliance (HABC)
Tutor; Richard Mills
Differentiation; Basic literacy, enthusiasm, a willingness to learn and participate
Audience; Anyone who is dealing with hot or cold water systems in their work place.
Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 16/04/2015 1:00 am
End Date / Time: 16/04/2015 1:00 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free