Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 09/06/2021 9:30 am

End Date / Time: 09/06/2021 12:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Book Now

Our ever-popular HR & Employment Conference is BACK!

About this Event

The Conference

This year our conference will be held over two morning sessions (9 & 10 June) on Zoom!

We will have our usual informative sessions with guest speakers bringing you up-to-date with all things HR and Employment!

The full schedule can be viewed on the booking page, but some key highlight sessions include:

  • The Future of the workplace
  • Immigration and impact of Brexit for employers
  • Where are we now – Covid 19 session for employers
  • Ethical leadership
  • Working in the Gig Economy
  • Neurodiversity and the barriers that exist at work.

Goody Box

As part of your booking we would like to send you a goody box of locally sourced items, which hopefully will help you engage with your own personal wellbeing. This includes wellness products to encourage some ‘me-time’, coffee and chocolate to share and promote the time to talk movement, activities to promote physical health and recipes to encourage healthy eating.

Please can you provide an address when you book so that we can post these out before the conference. Your address will only be used for the purposes of sending the box and will not be used for any marketing and will be deleted after the event.

CPD Points

This conference is accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority for 5 CPD hours.

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 09/06/2021 9:30 am

End Date / Time: 09/06/2021 12:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Book Now

Gold and Strategic Partners