Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 09/10/2014 9:30 am
End Date / Time: 09/10/2014 4:00 pm
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
Connect-Ed 2014 will be focused on business , and will create a great opportunity for teachers, career advisors and support staff to engage and connect with business leaders based in Norfolk.
Promoting Knowledge and Careers
The main theme that runs throughout the day is “Getting Connect-Ed”, a real chance for those working with young people every day to get an insight into business, careers, and how business employers recruit.
Connect-Ed is about just that, getting connected. Developing young people, and providing opportunities for them to progress into the world of work, needs a network of people working together, informed about how the other operates day-to-day. Connect-Ed is about bringing those people together and sharing that knowledge.
The day will consist of a combination of presentations and interactive sessions. We would look to group those attending into small focus groups made up of teachers, careers staff, training providers and employers. Each focus group would contain 8-12 members with at least a half of the group made up of attending employers and encourage the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and career opportunities within the sector.
The Event takes place at the Brook Hotel Norwich
For more information and to book cllick here
Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 09/10/2014 9:30 am
End Date / Time: 09/10/2014 4:00 pm
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free