Venue: Easton+Otley College, Easton, Norwich NR9 5DX, NR9 5DX, UK

Start Date / Time: 17/10/2017 5:30 pm

End Date / Time: 17/10/2017 7:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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The Apprenticeship Levy came into effect from April 2017. As an employer you will have to pay this levy if you have an annual pay bill in excess of £3 million, or are connected with other organisations which in total have a pay bill in excess of £3 million.   As a consequence, there are many questions that employers are asking themselves:   How is the levy calculated and how do I know if two organisations are connected? We don’t currently employ apprentices so how can I make use of the levy we are paying? What are our legal obligations with respect to taking on an apprentice?     Along with Easton&Otley College, we would be delighted if you could join us as we bring together an expert group of speakers from Lovewell Blake and Easton+Otley College, along with a round table Q&A discussion led by Norfolk County Council, to help to explain the various issues around this subject, from a variety of perspectives.   Timings: 5.30 pm Registration 5.45 pm Presentations 6.45 pm Round table Q&A discussion followed by a buffet supper   Book your place here

Venue: Easton+Otley College, Easton, Norwich NR9 5DX, NR9 5DX, UK

Start Date / Time: 17/10/2017 5:30 pm

End Date / Time: 17/10/2017 7:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Book Now

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