Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 30/04/2015 10:00 am

End Date / Time: 30/04/2015 5:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Do you know your responsibilities under the revised CDM regulations?

Come and hear from industry experts from the Salisbury Group.

Background Information

Although the construction industry accounts for only about 5% of the employment in Britain, it is responsible for 27% of fatal injuries to employees and 10% of reported major injuries. In addition 56% of all male occupational cancer registrations are all construction related.

Injuries and new cases of ill health resulting from current working conditions in the construction industry can cause significant disruption, delays and cost to projects.

As from 6th April CDM 2015 comes into force and will require new roles and responsibilities on Clients, contractors and Principal Designers. In addition CDM will now also apply to domestic projects and will have a revised threshold for notification. Guidance L153, currently in draft, will also become approved.

Event/ Course Overview:

This interactive course is aimed at individuals undertaking Duty holders’ roles under the CDM 2015 Regulations with specific designated responsibilities. The course is also suitable for clients, facility managers, project managers and construction workers carrying out any form of construction work.

The course aims to give an outline of the legal framework and explains the key aspects of the CDM 2015 Regulations. It enables individuals and companies to understand the changes the new legislation poses and how to implement procedures and processes to demonstrate legal compliance.

Learning Outcomes:

CDM Regulations history and overview CDM Regulations application Appointment approval, cooperation and coordination Responsibilities of Duty holders HSE F10 notification requirements The construction phase health and safety management plan The health and safety file Transition period


The course will be delivered by CDM experts Simon Toseland and Lydia Edwards. Simon and Lydia have been involved in CDM since 2007 and have worked on a number of high profile multi-million pound projects as well as a national scheme of refurbishment projects. Simon is an APS Committee Member for London branch.

1 Day Training Course Costs

The cost for the one day training course is £295:00 per delegate and includes full set of hand-outs including copies of the CDM Regulations, L153 and industry specific guidance documents. The course is being held at No8 Thorpe Road; home of the RedCat Partnership Ltd

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 30/04/2015 10:00 am

End Date / Time: 30/04/2015 5:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Gold and Strategic Partners