Venue: UEA, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, NR4 7TJ, UK
Start Date / Time: 20/11/2019 8:15 am
End Date / Time: 20/11/2019 10:30 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
Book Now…but were afraid to ask.
Selling a business is a once-only opportunity to realise the value of a lifetime’s work.
We will start the masterclass by considering some of the steps we can take to really improve the potential value of a business – and look at some of the commonly recommended window-dressing that, frankly, makes little difference. We’re delighted to welcome back Nick Harding, who will share his experience as both an acquirer and seller of around £500,000,000 worth of businesses.
The Speakers:
Richard Ross has 20 years’ experience advising clients on exit strategies, typically at retirement. He has an MBA from UEA and his dissertation looked at the SME ownership transfer market with particular emphasis on retaining value and momentum post-sale.
Nick Harding led an MBO team in a £26m deal in 1996. Through a series of acquisitions he built a business that was eventually sold for £180m (9 times EBITDA) in 2007, delivering a 400% return to shareholders. He then established a new business, funded by taking control of an AIM cash shell and built this by a series of acquisitions before selling in 2012 for £80m. Along the way he has used pretty much every funding option available, from fairly straightforward bank borrowing, through Venture Capitalists to floating on public markets. You can read more about Nick’s experience here.
Please note that there are two masterclasses on the day available for sign up:
The Masterclass will last 2 hours with questions. It will be of interest to people who have sold, or are thinking of selling, a business or who have benefited from a large inheritance and their advisers.
Refreshments will be available.
At our 2019 masterclasses we are also encouraging attendees to make a donation to our sponsored charity. There is no charge for the Masterclass, but you may like to consider a donation of £20 to the Ormiston Families MPower projects that supports parents who have had a child taken into care. In 2018 we were chuffed to hand over a cheque for more than £6,000, more than half of which had been raised from these Masterclasses.
The linked article below gives an outline of the incredible work of Alison and everyone at Ormiston Families on the project;
Venue: UEA, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, NR4 7TJ, UK
Start Date / Time: 20/11/2019 8:15 am
End Date / Time: 20/11/2019 10:30 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
Book Now