If you have made the decision to join the Chamber to promote your business or to get involved in the network that works together to affect the business landscape, you will be part of a dynamic business network with forward thinking businesses.

Members are the ‘DNA’ of the Chamber and successful businesses members need an equally dynamic and forward thinking Chamber to help them grow even further. Working with our members, we have developed a range services that support you in being more successful in business, by offering a comprehensive range of systems, events and services to enable forward thinking businesses to have a platform from which they can really boost their local business profile and learn from other successful business leaders.

So how do our successful business members use the Chamber services? Well, below are some great tips on the kinds of services that our dynamic businesses use as Chamber Members:

  1. Promote their business successes in our online media: You don’t have to leave your office to engage with the Chamber and our members. Being loud and proud about your achievements or your work in the community can have a huge impact on your brand profile and get your business recognised. We allow members to upload their good news stories on our website at www.norfolkchamber.co.uk. Popular articles will be considered for this magazine so make your content count;

Tip: When you use our online media, remember that we then promote that content via our social media channels to thousands of businesses, so it’s vital to make sure you have content that is engaging and will grab people’s attention.

  1. Offer other Chamber members a discount on products and services: Being together as part of the network means your amongst likeminded business who may be your next customer. Why not upload a Chamber exclusive special offer to our website for other members to enjoy.

Tip: Use our media to promote a launch of a new service or product and then why not link your article to a special offer for members to maximising your exposure.

  1. Learn from other successful businesses at our free training sessions: Our Chamber sessions are free and run by Norfolk’s very own top business professionals who will give tips and training in their field,. They are designed to give you a whole range of business topics to choose from that will really help you take those steps in growing and bettering your business.

Tip: If you have looked at the above tip and wondered “what kind of content shall I promote?” Then why not attend our Online Digital media range to get some tips on content for your articles and using online media to promote yourself effectively.

  1. Stand out and share your knowledge with a blog: You no doubt are a professional in what you do or you may have had success in a certain area of business so why not share this knowledge to the business community and raise your personal and business profile. Our Knowledge section of our website enables you to upload your very own professional blog that will be sent out via social media for others to enjoy.
  2. Get Involved and allocate time to attend Chamber events, Its time well spent: All too often I get told by members that they “don’t have time to attend events”. Attending events should be a fundamental part of your business development plan and enables you to interact with other business leaders who may be your next customer or may point you to someone who is. They may even just give you that key piece of advice that takes you and your business to the next level.

Tip: Don’t avoid policy orientated or political events. In fact if you can only attend a few then pick those. Our region’s most influential businesses are part of the Chamber because they want to help us influence policy and have their say. Influential people in these organisations attend these events so if you want to meet our Gold Patrons and the decision makers of big and small businesses then these are defiantly a must.

  1. Sponsor an event, it’s a very cost effect way to really grab people’s attention: The Norfolk Chamber events are well known for their high quality, influential speakers and attracting media attention. Sponsoring an event gives you instant brand exposure to senior business leaders not just at the event but via social media/website and even in the media. All this for a lot less money than you think.

Tip: Lots of businesses spend thousands of pounds on adverts in magazines and publications without considering sponsoring an event. You may be surprised to find the cost can be cheaper to sponsor a Chamber event and have a greater impact.

  1. Get to know us: You have paid for your membership, so let us help you use it. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our membership team, who are on hand to help you with registering on the website, engaging with the services and give you advice on which events are available.

We want to know more about you so we can help you use our events and services to enable you maximise the benefits of your membership.

Please call 01603 625977 and press 1 for the membership team or e-mail [email protected]

Remember, getting involved is everything. Joining the Chamber is like joining a gym. If you don’t go and use it, you won’t get the benefits that you joined for in the first place.

Gold and Strategic Partners