Most companies are trying to figure out what their marketing strategy should be in this unprecedented crisis. Here are a few pointers which we hope you will find useful.

Take Action Now

Don’t hide away and wait for this to blow over. It’s important to do something now to make sure that your brand comes through this in a strong position. Doing nothing will make your brand weaker when things start improving.

Talk To Your Customers

Find out what challenges your customers are facing and how you can help them. They may have many questions about how the COVID-19 crisis will impact on your service and product delivery. Phone lines may be overloaded so make sure you answer all your questions on your website. Set up a COVID-19 FAQs page and ask them to email questions. Also use social media to communicate with your customers and answer any questions they may have.

Increase Social Media Presence

Increase your social media activity with posts to help your customers and knowledge leadership articles that will be useful to them. This is a good way of keeping your brand in front of people especially when most people are at home working, looking after children etc.

Design a Website or Set up a Facebook Page

Many small independent businesses in retail and hospitality can’t rely on footfall now. Start engaging with your customers online as fast as you can with a small website or a Facebook page. See how you can serve your customers online by innovating and using digital. What products can you deliver? Can you provide a service online through video? This crisis will change business and how we do things, so make sure your business has a plan.

Google My Business

If you are a local business then now is the time to get on Digital Marketing then please get in touch with us.

Bigfork 01603 513080

Gold and Strategic Partners