What is a Pre-Header?
Answer: In short a pre header is a fantastic way to get your emails opened!
On your Smart Phone or Email browser you may have noticed a small piece of text after the From Name and the Subject. This is often reffered to as the Pre Header. On a normal written email this text would be the first line of the email but your beautifully designed HTML emails may start with an image or the common ‘view this in your browser’ text.
A pre header is another opportunity for you to engage with your recipient and encourage them to click and open your message. It should ideally be different to your subject line and should not include your click to view in browser link.
Pre headers can be used on email newsletters to give a taster of an exciting artice, in sales emails to draw attention to a special offer or in any type of email campaign. Ultimately the aim of the Pre Header is to ensure the user wants to open the email rather than ignore it.
Use your pre header wisely!