Contributing to the New Normal, or How to Improve your Business Management System (BMS) Many people, me included have commented with regards to the ‘New Normal’ as the country and business recovers from the impact of the coronavirus. Obviously, as yet we don’t know what the changes will be and what (new) demands it will place upon our organisations. One concept that has gained widespread traction is remote working – by necessity during lockdown, but increasingly now as a matter of choice. There are real gains possible arising from the reduction in travel/ commuting and then a reduction in disturbances and the associated loss of concentration. One of the key success factors will relate to the full availability of information from the company management system to all staff that need it. Effectively this will mandate a paperless, on-line (cloud-based) solution. This is often there and available for larger organisations and those with strong IT frameworks, but not so commonly for smaller, more traditional businesses We, at P+P have been considering the options for a practical, pragmatic and effective solution and as a result have developed RAMS (Remote Access management System). This covers all aspects of Quality, Environment, Health & Safety and Data Security (ISO’s 9001, 14001, 45001 and 27001) frameworks, including the audit and management review elements Performance variations and the impact of changes can be flagged through a Dashboard module, tuned to the specific needs of each organization. Staff and managers can thus keep abreast of trends and act accordingly. All (management) system information can be obtained via a Control Panel available to all approved users, but with a close control on the changes and authorisation loop. The audit (Verify) module is another important element that really enhances the remote working capabilities for audit on an internal and external basis, including those of the standard registration bodies. The module is structured to guide users from the plan (schedule) to the specifics and guidance for each task, to the evidence capture and then the corrective action and improvements. The evidence may include documents, photographs or video clips of areas under review. RAMS has many more facets that we would be happy to discuss and explain further if you are interested. P+P and RAMS making the ‘New Normal’ work.

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