Chapter 64 of the UK Trade Tariff is where you will find nearly 90 commodity codes used on the import or export offootwearin the UK.
Classification is aone of the 3 key elements whichdefine the amount of duty that is paid on import and as footwear attracts duty rates between 5 & 17%getting it wrong could prove costly.
Applying the correct commodity code requires a greater understanding of the article of footwear. In order to confirm an accurate classification you will need to knowwhat materialit is made from, who will be wearing it, whether the shoe is for use in sportwhether it is, a wellington, a flip flop, or wornfor health & safety purposes.Tthe height of a heel and length of sole are also determining factors in shoe classification& whether the item covers the ankle or knee or whether if it is used for sport.
All of this can be daunting for the fist time importer or the seasoned professional so we at IEShave designed a tool to assist you with the classification of footwear and where the classification is still unclear (which can happen for new innovativefootwear designs) we can then assist with the submission of a Binding Tariff Infromation sheet to HMRC which will give you a decision as to the classification of the footwear.
Please see more and contact us using the link
Let your fingers do the walking to our contact us page & let us get your footwear correctly classifed