Whether your entire business is centred around the world wide web, or represents only a relatively small part of your day-to-day operations, the fact remains that the only way to ensure that you are reaping the full benefit of your investments of time and money is to consistently work toward garnering visibility, and ensuring that your online presence is not being lost beneath a sea of competitors.
The trouble is that this represents a vicious cycle. As businesses choose to invest more into their digital presence, the task of doing so grows increasingly difficult, which means, of course, that businesses need to invest yet more into visibility. The process continues, and will continue, ad infinitum.
Still, there are plenty of ways of garnering greater visibility, many of which can be learned by observing some of the most public-facing industries operating today. In recent years in particular, the gaming world has risen to the very fore of the internet, and has begun to hold sway over almost every one of the most notable areas of the web. Read more below about give things we can learn from the gaming industry.
Worthwhile Offers
The notion of drawing prospective customers into your business – digital or physical – with a few enticing offers is, of course, nothing new. What the gaming industry has perfected over the years, however, is devising offers that will actually serve to benefit the player, rather than merely drawing them in for the sake of logging yet another sign up into the system.
That’s not to say that the process was simply, or even linear. In the world of the online casino, for instance, only the most astute sites have been able to tailor their deals to truly capture what it is prospective players are looking for. The ability to try no wager free spins, for instance, has proven itself to be one of the most attractive offers, and yet it remains a relatively obscure offer.
Rewards, bonuses and welcome offers can come in any number of shapes and sizes, depending on the nature of the business you run. It is important to remember, though, that consumers are growing far more discerning when it comes to these offers; they are not so readily drawn in by half-hearted attempts, and will more likely turn to look elsewhere.
Open a Dialogue with Users
One of the things the video game industry does so well is establish an open line of communication with their users – a fact which, in turn, creates a much more authentic sense of community. It may be easy to attribute this to the fact that the online gaming world facilitates a sense of community by virtue of the fact that it brings together so many likeminded people – and, to a certain extent, this is the case – but the continued success of gaming communities is sustained by the developers working to keep them together.
Utilise Twitch
In the early days – and, for that matter, until fairly recently – the streaming platform Twitch has been largely devoted to gamers, and the most popular titles on the market at any given time. Just recently, however, the landscape has begun to change, and a wide array of brands – from luxury fashion to cosmetics and fitness – have begun to utilise Twitch as a marketing platform in its own right, in order to reach untapped corners of their market in a more light-hearted and accessible way.
Your ability to embrace the use of demos and free samples depends entirely on the nature of your business, but it is certainly worth trying to get creative in this area. Gaming companies drum up a huge amount of excitement in the months building up to their launches, which ensures that, when the title finally drops, there is plenty of hype creating itself on social media.
Early Bird Incentives
From Google Stadia to Activision, offering incentives for gamers who opt to pre-order not only drums up that initial wave of business, but also helps to ensure that the excitement generated by your initial and subsequent launch truly reflects your brand.