by James Williamson, Hethel Innovation
This week, NAAME Project Manager, James was lucky enough to catch-up with Sunil Vara, Business Engagement Manager for UK Centric Supply Chains. Aston Univeristy’s UK Centric Supply Chain Programme is a fully funded consultancy support package to further investigate your supply chain.
UK Centric Supply Chain Programme
Aston University’s UK Centric Supply Chain Programme still have availability and can help you investigate your supply chain! There are still places left for their fully funded 1-2-1 consultancy-based support and open, interactive workshops.
The programme will asssit companies in the manufacturing, engineering, food & drink sectors to strengthen the supply chain through mapping assessment and improve existing capabilties. Firms will gain a better understanding of their business in terms of customer, geography, locations and relationships with suppleirs.
In addition, the programme offers expert advice and will assist your business to devleop an action plan to improve and strengthen your suplpy chain moving forward.
Why Should Businesses Apply?
- The programme is fully funded and therefore has no cost. Allowing all buisnesses access to free, expert advice.
- There is support to identify issues withinteh business
- An action plan will be produced to supoprt de-risking o the supply chain
- Support to develop a strategic plan will also be offered
- Enables businesses to have a more overarching/strategic view on associated processes
What is the Value to Businesses?
- Outside perspective in and provides non-biased view on the supply chain from Aston University
- Provides a holistic, validated and verified road map of the supply chain
- Provokes thoughts and questions surrounding unknowns within the business
- Fully tailored and adaptable to most business both SME and large businesses
- High level view to support strategic planning
- Potential for cost and risk reduction
- 1st Tier and lower Tier assessment and visibility
Who’s eligible?
This programme is free to SME’s with a minimum of 12 hours of bespoke support to look at your supply chain. This proejct is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and has certain restrictions with postcodes. Please review the diagram below for a rough guidance on eligible areas. If you require any further information, assistance or guidance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and James will make formal introductions to the project lead.

With special thanks to Vara Sunil from UK Centric Supply Chains who took the time to inform us on this great fully funded programme for SMEs across various sectors. If you would like to find out more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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