24 Fingers

Never let it be said we don’t appreciate the value of choice here at 24 fingers (just ask Emma about shoes) but – and we can barely believe we’re about to say this – there are times when having too many options is bad, especially when it comes to using social media platforms for marketing your brand.
When it comes to advertising your business, it pays to be precise. There are lots of platforms that entrepreneurs can use to showcase their wares or services. However, like butter scraped over too much bread, trying to hit them all can be exhausting and do your bottom line no favours. Instead, try the following:
Where are your people?https://giphy.com/embed/331KYDEYvSGNW
Any small business needs a marketing strategy and underpinning every single part of it is a deep knowledge of your customer. As well as their needs and pain points, you must also know which social media platform they spend their time on.
If your market is Gen Z, then you should be hitting Instagram with both marketing barrels, because that’s where 73% of them hang out. On the other hand, 78% of baby boomers prefer Facebook. Target your marketing accordingly and you’ll save time, money and reap the sales rewards.
How’s that content coming along then?https://giphy.com/embed/3rgXBHcd5Lis0J3dp6
It’s all very well knowing where your ideal customers are if you don’t know what content they’re consuming. Do your younger audience members on Instagram want to wade through a blog post about the latest news in your sector, or will your older, Facebook-loving clients be keen on a funky video backed by a hard house soundtrack?
Alternatively, you can ask for feedback:
- Look at your metrics to see who is consuming which content and on what platform
- Poll your customers and social media visitors to find out what they want to see/read
- Talk to your customers as they interact with you – direct questions work
Pick your platform carefullyhttps://giphy.com/embed/d6QleegehJOalRN3PJ
So, you’ve established your ideal customer and found out what they want. Now all you have to do is match it to the appropriate platform – simples.
One of the best starting points is a social media site you’re either familiar with or have had a positive experience with in the past. Use it as a test bed to try new ideas, then use your customer feedback to see how well this content performs on other outlets.
A Facebook video could work well on YouTube and Instagram, for example, while a link to a blog post could engage on Linkedin and Twitter. Play around and see what happens.
Act on your resultshttps://giphy.com/embed/69D4FSNqihhKpFcc1a
The great thing about social media is, even if you’re only operating on one or two platforms, they come with insightful analysis so you can see for yourself what’s happening with your content.
Use those figures to more accurately target your audiences with content you know they’ll lap up and enjoy, and planning your next ad campaign will be a breeze, because you’ll know exactly where you need to be.
If you’re still feeling more scattergun than surgical tool, drop us a line and we’ll help sharpen up that focus.
We’re 24 fingers, a digital marketing agency and a proud member of the 42 Club, Brentwood Chamber of Commerce, Excel Business Networking Group, the Trusted Business Community, the Organisation for Responsible Businesses and the Rotary Club of Brentwood à Becket. We help companies who are all fingers and thumbs with their social media grow their business and brand. Book your free strategy call here.