As we all re-emerge at different times, in different places and in different ways, let’s make sure we take these three important steps together.
Here’s the fourth in this series of videos aimed at supporting people’s mental health and wellbeing. I’ve been waiting for this time, with restrictions easing in some places around the World, to share more helpful thoughts with you.
As we walk forwards we are emerging into a world transformed – as we too are transformed in different ways.
The 3 steps I’m suggesting sit at the heart of what it means to be human. We must care for ourselves and others, build strong and resilient relationships and accept our approaches need to adjust.
A huge thank you to Lightweight Media for your continued support, creative ideas and for being quite simply brilliant! As we launch my business’s #youtube channel I massively appreciate your expanding role in managing my social media presence.
#beinghuman #mentalhealthawareness #wellbeingatwork #mentalhealth #reemergence