Manufacturing and Engineering firms in Norfolk & Suffolk are being encouraged to see and manage their talent differently.
New Anglia Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering (NAAME) has recognised the challenges facing regional employers in managing staffing during the peaks and troughs of workflow. With the support of key manufacturing and engineering organisations in the region, NAAME have created a solution with the launch of a new Talent Sharing Platform for Norfolk & Suffolk.
As an industry, advanced engineering and manufacturing needs to attract and crucially, retain qualified & experienced talent. With the world changing as rapidly as it is, our industry needs to consider new ways of managing talent and skills, to meet the evolving needs & demands of our businesses, our industry and our employees.
The new Talent Sharing Platform from NAAME offers a much simpler way for businesses to both supply and/or receive highly skilled talent through a flexible networked scheme, working with other, similarly skilled businesses in the region. This could be via:
- Secondment
- Planned/on-going
- Redeployment
The Talent Sharing Platform is a secure and confidential way of providing details on the skills and talent available in your organisation to other sector businesses who may need them when you do not. This is about thinking about things differently, and opening opportunities for sharing, retaining and collaboration. In this event, you will hear from industry business leaders as well as from experts in HR and legal to help understand the technical and practical issues this process may bring and how to overcome them.
To learn more and book your space at the online discovery event, click here or email james.williamson@jim-rice