Married and Divorced by 26, bought a house he didn’t want, stayed in a job that didn’t make him happy.
All mistakes that James has made. James thought life was a box ticking exercise. James wanted to do as much as he could as quickly as he could, without learning from his mistakes. James learnt to not dwell on the past, not to blame himself or others and to learn from his mistakes. Through a ‘Cygnot’ process, caring for his team and a no blame culture, James grew his business and improved his and the lives of others around him.
James is Managing Director of Award-Winning Energy Consultant Indigo Swan. James is an inspirational leader and his caring approach to his staff (the swans) is felt by all that meet him. Whilst caring for his staff he will also look to challenge them in order to develop them and help them be the best possible versions of themselves. James played a key part in growing Indigo Swan and creating the happiness first culture that Indigo Swan is so proud of.
What’s the biggest mistake you have made? James has made a few. Learning from these, James has grown as a person, implemented the ‘Cygnot’ process at Indigo Swan and changed an ordinary life into an extraordinary one. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
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