John Dugmore, Chief Executive
“I’m thrilled that Suffolk Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Norfolk Chambers of Commerce to manage the Norfolk and Suffolk Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP). Through identifying future business skills demands and working with colleges and independent training providers to better meet their supply, the Norfolk and Suffolk LSIP has an important role to play in the prosperity of the region. Because employer engagement is at the very core of the LSIP, I see my role on the board as a way to use the trusted business relationships that Suffolk Chamber has built up over many years to encourage the maximum possible business participation in the initiative.
As the key interface between public, private and voluntary sectors, the LSIP has the pivotal role to really understand the issues and unlock our workforce’s potential, which when working alongside providers and the public sector, will align business needs with skills development provision to unlock growth, both now and long in to the future.”