HR Forums benefit businesses who work in the law and legal sector. By sponsoring a HR Forum, you take over the event by providing us with a HR topic relevant to businesses, and we take care of the rest.

Once we have your topic, we do all the event promotion from social media to email marketings, all of course highlighting your business as sole sponsors. We also take care of all the event logistics including finding a venue, catering, reminder emails, printing delegate packages and slide packs and more. 

HR Forums attract between 40 – 60 businesses depending on the topic. At the event you take the floor presenting on your chosen topic to the audience. You can put out as much promotional material as you like, the event is yours! 

Sponsorship includes:

  • Presentation to 40-60 (sometimes more!) businesses
  • Your marketing collateral and banners on display at the event
  • Publicity through at least 3 email marketing campaigns – each to over 1,500 contacts
  • Publicity through the Norfolk Chambers website
  • Publicity through Norfolk Chambers social media – Facebook 1000+, Twitter 9,000+, Instagram 1,000+, LinkedIn
  • Publicity through any other marketing materials e.g. EDP evetnts column, press releases, personal invites
  • Your branding on all printed materials e.g. agenda
  • Your branding on all event materials e.g. presentation

Cost to sponsor: £850+VAT

Get in touch:

01603 625977

Gold and Strategic Partners