Independent Town Planning Consultancy providing town planning advice and representation of a high professional standard to clients in both the private and public sector.UK planning system is about balancing the competing interests for the use and development of land. For any development proposal there are a number of interests seeking to make their voice heard.LyonCTP can help you successfully navigate the planning system. You will be represented by a chartered town planner benefiting from 18 years experience across the public and private sectors. LyonCTP appraises planning proposals from various viewpoints and provides advice that anticipates the priorities of the different parties involved in the planning process. This understanding of the responsibilities across the sectors enables LyonCTP to efficiently and successfully progress your project.LyonCTP benefits from university lecturing experience and provides bespoke training on all aspects of the planning system.Whether you need help with pre-application, applications, appeals, a project team, policy, or training LyonCTP confidently helps with matters ranging form the straight forward to the complex.
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