Victor Ling (AKA ‘The Networker’)
Norfolk Chambers sets out to connect, support and give voice to its members and the wider business community – what is your role in this mission?
As a business owner, I fully understand what it is like to run a business – both the upsides and the challenges. My role is to help network the members to get the most out of each other.
As The Networker in the team, how can you help businesses?
I built my own business by networking extensively and building up a reputation. As the lead on Strategic Partners and Gold Patrons, my aim is to make sure that everyone gets great value from the membership and sponsorships.
Your special power is ‘Business Acumen’ – what does this mean and how do you put this power into action?
I understand that every penny spent needs to be accounted for and deliver a return of investment. Having run my own business, I can empathise and help with business advice.
Your ‘Kryptonite’ is 80s & 90s music (combined with a bad singing voice) – what happens to you when faced with these?
I sing – absolutely awfully. I do love the 80s though – from Queen to Meatloaf, Prince to Iron Maiden. Don’t ever let me get me near a microphone, but if I had to, my go to song would be “Dead Ringer for Love” by Meat Loaf.
Your motto is “You Can Have Everything In Life You Want, If You Will Just Help Enough Other People Get What They Want” – How does this help Norfolk Chambers and local businesses?
It is a quote by Zig Zigler, widely considered to be one of the best sales people in the world. Sales can be seen as a dirty word, but in reality it is about helping people. I will never ‘sell’ a Chamber Membership – but I will help you to be a member if I feel it will be a great fit for YOU.