Tom Walker (AKA ‘The Prodigy’)
Norfolk Chambers sets out to connect, support and give voice to its members and the wider business community – what is your role in this mission?
My role in the chambers’ mission is to provide support for businesses in need. I aim to provide help to the best of my ability utilising all of which I have learned. This way the chamber can continue to grow and thrive as more businesses connect with each other and with our help contribute to the larger business community.
How can you help businesses?
I hope to bring businesses an additional set of hands and eyes to help wherever needed, for the international trade team here in the Chambers I aim to support them in their work to ensure smooth day-to-day running of operations.
Your special power is being calm and collected – how have you honed this skill?
Previous work experience has allowed me to hone my skills of being dependable under pressure and has ensured my resilience in times of stress. I believe being calm and collected is a useful asset to have as it allows me to think more clearly when faced with a problem.
Your ‘Kryptonite’ is a takeaway – do you have a favourite and what happens to you when faced with a takeaway?
A good takeaway is unbeatable, when faced with one it is almost always cause for celebration.
Your motto ‘life moves on’ –what does this mean?
When I say this, it refers to the fact that however you start your day and whatever you choose to do with it, the day continues, and it is up to you to make the most out of it. In business terms, this can be accredited to giving 100% into your work as it is your duty to fulfil each day in the most progressive way possible.