Nova Fairbank (AKA The Guru)
As The Guru in the team, how can you help businesses?
As the ‘Holder of the Knowledge’ it’s my role to understand what is happening within the Norfolk business community as well as at a regional and national level. I can then ensure that businesses are aware and kept up to date. Using that information, I can work with the wider business community to identify any barriers to business growth and help, support and lobby on their behalf for change and improvement.
Norfolk Chambers works hard to connect support and give voice to every business in Norfolk – the key to success is knowledge and building relationships – so we have become experts in finding experts no matter what challenge a business is facing.
So what you need is what we do – just ask!
Your special power is keeping more plates spinning that everyone else – how do you do this – what’s your secret?
My secret is really mundane – notes, notes and more notes. I often get knowledge overload, so I have become very efficient and methodical in keeping track of the knowledge that I learn and having lots and lots of sub folders on our computer system!
I also make full use of our Customer Experience Team to help me gather the local business voice and to embed more of my knowledge with them to give to the business community.
Your ‘Kryptonite’ is snowy mountains, red wine and chocolate –what happens to you when faced with these?
Hmm my work life balance is very much work and more work, but my happy place is a ski slope. Whether they are red, black or moguls, I love ‘em all! This is of course is always followed by some ‘Apres Ski’ that has been known on nearly every occasion to feature red wine and chocolate…
Your motto is An Informed Customer is a Happy Customer – How do you make sure that you always have the knowledge? How can businesses unlock this skill?
Knowledge is power as they say and the more support and knowledge we can impart to our business community the happier everyone will be. Being able to give them the knowledge they need or connect them to experts, or their peers is a fundamental part of what Norfolk Chambers does.
Business can access this knowledge in several ways. We have our wonderful Customer Experience Team – just pick up the phone or email them and ask; you can visit the Norfolk’s Voice and the Norfolk Knowledge Hub, our free to access digital media platforms; our social media channels have some great advice and information running through them; and our website is another great place to start.
Connected and supported businesses are happy businesses.