Jack Weaver (AKA The Navigator)
Norfolk Chambers sets out to connect, support and give voice to its members and the wider business community – what is your role in this mission?
The needs and aspirations of businesses in Norfolk fuel the long-term mission of the Chambers. It’s my job to help turn that fuel into momentum – connecting the strategic to the operational and helping lead the amazing Norfolk Chambers team to deliver outstanding service for our members.
As The Navigator in the team, how can you help businesses?
Norfolk businesses are served by a highly skilled and incredibly creative Chambers team. As ‘The Navigator’ I can help businesses by ensuring the crew know exactly what their role is in getting the ship to achieve its mission. A team that is informed, empowered, trusted, and supported will do incredible things for our members. Stretching the analogy to breaking point, The Navigator always has an eye on the horizon to spot opportunities before they vanish.
Your special power is ‘expert generalist’ – what does this mean and how do you put this power into action?
‘Expert generalist’ means being a ‘Jack of all trades’ (no pun intended) but turned up to 11! It means having a comprehensive understanding of as much of the Chambers’ work as possible, ensuring the team understand their role in our mission, have the support they need to deliver outstanding services – and always thinking about the next big thing.
To keep this special power honed, I’m in a constant learning mindset and I live by a few golden rules: ‘listen more, talk less’, ‘surround yourself with people smarter than you’ and ‘fall in love with problems, not ideas.’
Your ‘Kryptonite’ is motorcycles and a sweet tooth – what happens to you when faced with these?
Nothing distracts me more than bikes, and besides spending time with my amazing family, my happy place is carving my way along a twisty road on a summer’s day with my fellow riders. I do my best thinking on my bike and if the day ends with a pint of good beer at an Alpine guesthouse – even better. As for the sweet tooth – all I’ll say is workplace bake sales sell out pretty quickly if I’m in the office.
Your motto is “Make yourself indispensable” – how does this ethos help Norfolk Chambers realise its mission?
My mum told me this when I got my first job at 15. Norfolk Chambers of Commerce has represented the business community for over a Century and the more we match services to business needs, the more members we can connect and support, and the more we increase the volume of Norfolk’s voice at the regional, national to international level – the more indispensable we become for another Century.