Norfolk Chambers offers a lot of support, advice, and resources to its members – what is your role in this mission?
My role within the Norfolk Chambers of Commerce is to highlight the incredible stories and successes across our diverse range of sectors, organisations and members.
As The Storyteller in the team, how can you help businesses?
I’m incredibly curious – about life, people, business and how everything is connected. I love building relationships, connecting, and supporting people wherever I am and whatever I’m doing. As the Co.next Account Manager, I’m excited to continue developing this programme for Norfolk’s young professionals.
Your special power is the relationship builder – why is this important?
Connections are the catalyst that spark incredible collaborations. They drive innovation and inspire great things. If I can play a part in this process, then I have the best job, supported by a fantastic team behind me.
Your ‘Kryptonite’ is cheese – what happens to you when faced with this?
After the cheese sweat, I get really, really happy—then I have to walk/bike/run it off!
Your motto is “Creativity is intelligence having fun”, explain what that means to you…
What is life without creativity? Ideas and innovation wouldn’t happen without that ‘spark’ of inspiration! I’m always looking for that!