Venue: St Andrews Street, Norwich, NR2 4AE., NR2 4AE, UK
Start Date / Time: 12/09/2016 6:00 pm
End Date / Time: 12/09/2016 8:00 pm
Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
Non-Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
Book NowCarl Bates is a global entrepreneur, speaker,author, mentor and director. Currently based inSouth Africa, he is a dynamic entrepreneur fromNew Zealand who guides small to medium businessesand privately-held companies to achieve ExtremeBusiness Success.
He is passionate about empowering businessowners to break through the barriers that confinethem to a life of long hours, hard work and littlereward. He challenges his audiences to shift their thinking,increase their vision and take their businessesto the next level.Growing up in a family of entrepreneurshas inspired andenabled Carl to transform theattitudes and practices of business owners aroundthe world. He challenges them to create a businesslegacy they can be proud of and supports them tosee the potential and the possibilities for their ownbusiness. Carl is always focused on ensuring areasof growth are identified and shareholder value ismaximised.
Laws of Extreme Business Success
These are the groundbreaking game rules forsmall to medium enterprises that inspired Carl’sbook ‘The Laws of Extreme Business Success’.With laws that range from treating your businessas an investment and the role of family membersin your own business, to leadership and buildingeffective teams, this presentation inspires businessaudiences across the board to take their businessor organisation’s success to the next level.
This event is aimed at business leaders/owners, start-ups, medium enterprises and those looking to excel in business.Join us for an evening of inspiring talks from Carl Batesand networking!
Venue: St Andrews Street, Norwich, NR2 4AE., NR2 4AE, UK
Start Date / Time: 12/09/2016 6:00 pm
End Date / Time: 12/09/2016 8:00 pm
Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
Non-Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
Book Now