Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 26/02/2025 9:30 am

End Date / Time: 26/02/2025 4:00 pm

Member Rate: £280

Non-Member Rate: £350

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Export documentation helps businesses move goods more efficiently and can financially benefit both parties in the process. HMRC requires exporters to demonstrate compliance, even if the process is outsourced to agents or forwarders, failing to do so could incur time & financial costs.

This course focuses on what export documents are, what is required, and the benefits of best practices for exporting.

Learners will:

  • Sources of information on documentary requirements.
  • The importance of trade deals.
  • The documentation necessary for international consignments.
  • The required information to complete a document.
  • The role of origin and preference documents.
  • What is proof of export, and what documents to use.

This expert led course is part of the accredited BCC Foundation Award in International Trade. Each session will be followed by a short assessment to complete the training module, completing six modules earns the BCC Award in International Trade.

Book here

For more trade training modules:

In the event you are no longer able to attend this training course, please note you must cancel or request a transfer of your place at least 7 working days before the course. The cancellation must be in writing and sent to [email protected] indicating the name of the course you are cancelling for and delegate(s) details.

If a booking is not cancelled and the delegate does not attend, full event costs will still apply.

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 26/02/2025 9:30 am

End Date / Time: 26/02/2025 4:00 pm

Member Rate: £280

Non-Member Rate: £350

Book Now

Gold and Strategic Partners