Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 10/09/2025 8:30 am

End Date / Time: 10/09/2025 11:30 am

Member Rate: £200

Non-Member Rate: £250

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Customs procedures are used to maintain, manage, and regulate the flow of goods across our border. It is the businesses responsibility to ensure documentation is correct, so compliance is vital to ensure you do not incur any additional costs, time delays or penalties.

International business needs to know what HMRC expects from traders, and this course is designed to give an overview of Customs procedures and the requirements needed to satisfy customs.

Learners will:

-Have an understanding of the role of HMRC, Origin and EC trade.

-Have an understanding of Customs Procedures and UK Trade Tariff.

-Understand Universal Customs Code (UCC), duties and taxes applicable.

This expert led course is part of the accredited BCC Foundation Award in International Trade. Each session will be followed by a short assessment to complete the training module, completing six modules earns the BCC Award in International Trade.

Book here

For more trade training modules:

In the event you are no longer able to attend this training course, please note you must cancel or request a transfer of your place at least 7 working days before the course. The cancellation must be in writing and sent to [email protected] indicating the name of the course you are cancelling for and delegate(s) details.

If a booking is not cancelled and the delegate does not attend, full event costs will still apply.

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 10/09/2025 8:30 am

End Date / Time: 10/09/2025 11:30 am

Member Rate: £200

Non-Member Rate: £250

Book Now

Gold and Strategic Partners