Venue: 2 Millennium Plain Norwich NR2 1TF, NR2 1TF, UK

Start Date / Time: 19/06/2024 11:45 am

End Date / Time: 19/06/2024 2:00 pm

Member Rate: £9

Non-Member Rate: £13

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Want to know how best to showcase your business on social media and learn all the best tips and best practices, join us on Wednesday 19th June with our next Masterclass with Yawn Marketing. Yawn Marketing will walk you through the basics of social media campaigns and how to develop comprehensive strategies and get you thinking outside the box for your business to shine on social media. Our friendly experts will be by your side every step of the way, sharing practical tips and tricks to ensure you feel confident about your socials. Agenda Delegate’s arrive 11.45 & the event will close at 14:00, A light lunch and refreshments will be provided during masterclass. About our Presenter, Jade Squires Jade is a Marketing Executive at Yawn Marketing. She loves all things creative and has a keen eye for exciting visuals. With a speciality in social media, from developing comprehensive strategies to brainstorming engaging content ideas, Jade enjoys leading workshops to help different businesses harness the power of social media to build and enhance their brand presence.

Venue: 2 Millennium Plain Norwich NR2 1TF, NR2 1TF, UK

Start Date / Time: 19/06/2024 11:45 am

End Date / Time: 19/06/2024 2:00 pm

Member Rate: £9

Non-Member Rate: £13

Book Now

Gold and Strategic Partners