Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 22/01/2021 10:00 am

End Date / Time: 22/01/2021 11:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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This practical workshop is a follow-up to Dr Helen Fitzhugh’s webinar ‘Managing remote work: an evidence-based checklist for worker wellbeing and productivity’. In the webinar, she introduced a 1-page checklist to help managers pro-actively support the wellbeing and performance of their remote workers. Where the webinar focused on the evidence base for the checklist and ways to use it yourself, this workshop goes a step further and covers how to embed principles of good remote management into all levels of your business. It will be an interactive session, limited to a small number of participants to allow peer-to-peer discussion and learning. 

This workshop will cover:

  • A reminder of the 9 points of the evidence-based checklist for managing remote work
  • Discussion and interaction between attendees on the benefits and challenges of embedding this approach in their organisation
  • Tips and practical suggestions on how this might be done.


Good management involves more than just telling people what to do. To embed good practice you need to consider manager capability, opportunity and motivation.

About the Speaker

Dr Helen Fitzhugh, Senior Research Associate and Knowledge Exchange Fellow at University of East Anglia.

Dr Helen Fitzhugh of Norwich Business School is passionate about organisations and research communication. She gathers the best academic evidence she can find on workplace wellbeing and productivity and then distils it down into practical information and resources for organisations as part of a project called the PrOPEL Hub. She draws upon work by researchers at the University of East Anglia who have been researching in this area for decades. Helen has worked across the public, private and voluntary sectors, so bring with her an understanding of how to adapt complex research findings so that they make sense to real-life workers and managers in a variety of different settings. 

About University of East Anglia

Norwich Business School is the largest school in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of East Anglia, with over 1,000 undergraduate and 600 postgraduate students. With a team of more than 100 internationally recognised academics and business experts, we have a reputation for providing pioneering courses and high-quality research.

Within the school, there is a large cluster of researchers researching workplace wellbeing, including via leading the What Works Centre for Wellbeing’s recent work and learning programme. The wellbeing researchers are also involved in the PrOPEL Hub, a major new initiative designed to help boost productivity – and wellbeing – through supporting the growth of better workplaces in the UK. It involves partners from universities across the UK and the CIPD in providing practical lessons, ideas and toolkits for businesses to draw upon, all informed by the latest research and evidence.

Cancellation policy

We only have a maximum of 12 places on this event. If you book a place and are unable to attend, please ensure you cancel your place to allow others to attend. Cancel in writing to [email protected].

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 22/01/2021 10:00 am

End Date / Time: 22/01/2021 11:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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