Venue: England, IP24 1AAUnited Kingdom, IP24 1AA, UK
Start Date / Time: 27/10/2022 5:00 pm
End Date / Time: 27/10/2022 7:00 pm
Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
Non-Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
Book NowCome along and Co.llaborate over canapes, network and discuss key topics with fellow businesses in your Co.mmunity and learn how to be involved with the Thetford Business Awards.
On 27th October we will let everyone know the finalist for the 2023 awards.
Our Guest speakers are :-
Members of Thetford Business Awards
Gez Chetal – Co.founder & Norfolk Chamber of Commerce Board member
Gez has been in hotels all his life starting on a YTS with Trusthouse Forte and staying with them for over 17 years. Gez then went onto butterfly hotels for 11 years and now owns his own hotel, the Thomas Paine Hotel in Thetford.
Gez also runs Thetford business awards which he formed 4 years ago and owns which gets ex-offenders into work.
“Highly honoured so that I can help society and other businesses to succeed with my knowledge and expertise.”
Venue Thomas Paine Hotel
If you like buildings that tell a story, you’ll feel right at home with The Thomas Paine Hotel in Thetford; characterised by wooden beams and floors, stained glass, high ceilings, and uneven floors. Built from three, Eighteenth-Century cottages with a Victorian frontage it changes from the grandeur of high ceilings and stained glass windows to beams and pamment floors.
Reputed to be the birthplace of Thomas Paine the celebrated free thinker and campaigner of the 18th century who wrote the Rights of Man, on which the American Constitution is based.
If you want excellent locally sourced food, staff who want to help you make your experience a memorable one, a great beer selection and fabulous surroundings you’ll love the hotel.
Now refurbished and under new private ownership since 2012, The Thomas Paine Hotel offers a high level of comfort and service for Boutique hotel accommodation and dining in Thetford.
We are delighted to be part of the the launch of this prestigious event, Thetford Business Awards 2023, which will be it’s fifth year.
Venue: England, IP24 1AAUnited Kingdom, IP24 1AA, UK
Start Date / Time: 27/10/2022 5:00 pm
End Date / Time: 27/10/2022 7:00 pm
Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
Non-Member Rate: Free (plus VAT)
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