Venue: Norwich, NR5 0TP, NR5 0TP, UK

Start Date / Time: 13/10/2022 3:15 pm

End Date / Time: 13/10/2022 3:45 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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LinkedIn means lots of different things to different people, but for so many, it remains one of the best ways to find, approach and start conversations with potential clients and prospects. But how can we do that? With 850 million members, that is a lot of profiles to work through or a lot of frogs to kiss if you prefer to look at it in that way! In this workshop, we look at 3 key-ways we can try to work LinkedIn to make sure that we are as visible as possible and talking to the right people, allowing you to do what you do best…show them how you can help them and their businesses! Mark White – “The LinkedIn Professional” After a 10-year career in international sales & marketing, Mark continued this working with organisations and individuals to help them use “online” to develop business and market themselves more effectively for their sales and marketing activities. The last 13 years have been dedicated exclusively to helping and training companies and individuals on how to get the best out of LinkedIn, during which time he has delivered in-house training to more than 480 organisations with the focus primarily around its application to business development, marketing and personal branding.

Venue: Norwich, NR5 0TP, NR5 0TP, UK

Start Date / Time: 13/10/2022 3:15 pm

End Date / Time: 13/10/2022 3:45 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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Gold and Strategic Partners